Everett’s work has appeared in a number of literary
magazines, including Fourteen Hills, Wisconsin Review,
Patterson Review, Nimrod, Runes, Spoon River Quarterly,
and Poetry Motel (forthcoming). In 2003, she was
a finalist in poetry contests administered by River
Styx, Two Rivers Review (second place), and The
Cream City Review. Her chapbook, Juliet as Herself,
was a finalist in the “Discovery”/The Nation
contest. She holds a BA in Creative Writing from UC Santa
Cruz, where she worked closely with Ray Carver. She works
by the light of the day as a director of marketing in education
more poems:
Nancy at nancyeverett@earthlink.net
My Father
Before Alzheimer's
make a rumpled queue behind the telescope
each eye alone for its allotted seconds
to squint out the mystery
of Jupiters rings and four of its moons.
My 83-year-old father admits he cant see a thing
and stands there grinning at
those who think they can.
Our own moon rises so fast
we see it ascend through the trees
and we think, chariot, and when we peer
more closely, we see it is an alien thing.
My father takes his turn with the moon
then looks up and studies all of us
glimmering in the deep winter night,
passing in orbit through the sweet lens
of his remembrance.
© Nancy Taylor Everett
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