
Poetry Daily, a new poem every day. Set your browser home button here.

Official site of the Academy of American Poets. The literary establishment, yes, but the poetry exhibits on the site are handy. There are links to poems by hundreds of poets, so if you get a sudden urge to read a couple poems by Sherman Alexie or Robert Creeley or Nazim Hikmet or Lisel Mueller, it's a good place to start.

A directory of great literary magazines, literary periodicals, and little magazines, primarily in North America.

Website of our own Robert Thomas

A digizine with two Featured Poets plus thirty or so Current Poets a month. Offers essays on classic poets, occasionally presents some reviews and interviews.

Threepenny Review, one of the best literary magazines in California

Poetry Flash, calendar for all literary events in the SF Bay Area, Northern California, and beyond

Ploughshares' web site is notable not only for the excellent quality of its poetry but because it puts online an unusually generous selection of the work in its current and past print issues

Web del Sol, a "literary arts new media complex"

Poetry book reviews from the New York Times, including a surprisingly large selection of poems from the books reviewed, for example. Robert Hass's SUN UNDER WOOD, Anne Carson's MEN IN THE OFF HOURS, and Yusef Komunyakaa's TALKING DIRTY TO THE GODS

Interesting collection of poetry resources and poems published by The Atlantic

Good collection of links to literary magazines and presses

Poets and Writers magazine online. Here's the famous Speakeasy discussion forum. Waste time with other poets.

Guide to conferences and workshops

Info about the Stegner fellowships

The University of Toronto's voluminous online poetry library. Not much contemporary poetry, but a huge selection of the classic English-speaking poets from John Donne to Robert Frost. A good selection of a handful of contemporaries like Marge Piercy and Mark Doty.

The complete works of William Shakespeare, online, from MIT

Albert Goldbarth's poem, "Library" Plumb Design Visual Thesaurus, an exploration of sense relationships within the English language. By clicking on words, you follow a thread of meaning, creating a spatial map of linguistic associations.

This site designed and composed by Diane Kirsten Martin. Technical and graphics assistance from Nathaniel Martin. Copyright © 2004 Diane K. Martin. All poems the properties of the original authors. Blackbird graphic scanned from a woodcut by Thomas Bewick (1752-1828), source: 1800 Woodcuts by Thomas Bewick and his School, Dover Publications, Inc. This site last updated: September 1, 2004