---Tech Trash--- | entry page|
who we are |
what we do |
what we find |
legal issues |
experiences |
So far, the amount and diversity of items found has been
incredible. Below is a partial
list of items we have salvaged, and their probable reasons for
- 1 386 SX 25 Desktop system. Why? --- Malfunctioning power
- 1 Macintosh 15" Multiscan monitor Why? --- Loose case.
- 3 DEC VT100 dumb terminals Why? --- Obsolete.
- 1 21" SVGA Monitor Why? --- Unknown
- 2 Ethernet routers w/ dual 68020 processors Why? ---
- 7 Vampire tap ethernet transcievers Why? --- Unknown,
construction scrap.
- 5 DEC dumb terminal keyboards Why? -- Obsolete.
- 1 APS Hyperdat tape backup drive Why? -- malfunctioning APS
SCSI chassis.
- 1 Monochrome monitor Why? --- Obsolete.
- 100-200 yards assorted network cabling Why? -- construction
- 2 66 type punchdown blocks Why? --- Obsolete, construction
- 1 16 port 10 base T Ethernet hub Why? --- a single
malfunctioning port
- Assorted cables Why? --- Obsolete/ scrap
- 1 fax machine Why? --- Unknown.
- 1 VCR Why? --- Unknown.
- 4 386 systems with 3.5" , 5.25" and hard drives Why? ---
- 100's of diskettes Why? --- cosmetically unappealing.
- 1 CD ROM demo sampler Why? --- unneeded.
- 10's of loose leaf binders from HP and SGI Why? -- used once
and discarded...
- 10's of refillable toner cartridges Why? --- too lazy to
send in
- 10's of unopened BNC connector packages Why? --- Unknown
- 22 copies of Avid Videoshop 3.0.2 --- Why? Un-needed Apple
bundled software.
At the University of California, Riverside:
- 2 386 systems --- Why? Obsolete.
- 1 Dec VT100 terminal --- Why? Obsolete.
- More binders --- Why? People don't seem to like Novell
binders :)
New! 2.5.98 - Not really tech trash, but interesting
netherless... It was library dumpster night!
- A large number of higher mathematics texts --- Why?
- 500,000 3x5 card catalog cards --- Why? Un-needed after being
- Other books: C++ textbook, History of England 1870-1914 ---
Why? Withdrawn.
2.6.98 - We checked the library dumpsters again tonight, and
had a great haul:
- 2 Wyse terminals -- Why? Broken.
- Many more books on various subjects... including a 1983 one
about just how much nuclear strength Russia/US forces have. Neat pictures
of ICBM's being fired too! --- Why? Withdrawn.
- The 1952 Georgetown year-book. Quite a read. Should be
great for 50's clip art. --- Why? Withdrawn.
View some pictures from the
2.13.98 - The library is proving to be an interesting source of
material. Had another good night:
- One book illustrating early Argentinian art and culture,
1906. Great clip art! Why? --- Withdrawn.
- Book illustrating state funerals. Yet more stuff to scan!
5.8.1998 - From San Francisco:
- 486 motherboard. Why? --- Obsolete.
10.2.1998 - At UCR, near Music/Theatre department.
- One book on Music history, circa. 1974
- One book entitled "Gradus", An integrated approach to Harmony and
Counterpoint, circa 1978.
- One Orchestral Score, "Phases of the Great Land" by Jacob Avshamalov,
circa. 1968.
This was a most interesting find, as it was totally accidental. I was
taking a shortcut, and found the dumpster. There's much more in there.
I'm planning on going back tonight and retrieving what I can.
...and the list goes on! Pictures coming soon for most of this stuff,
especially the latest finds, as I finally got a Quickcam!
Find out about the legality of it all ---> legal
See what we've been through to get this stuff ---> experiences
contact. fib@leaf.lumiere.net
created. 11.2.97
updated 10.02.98